Thursday, February 22, 2007

here we come Hong Kong and arrived in Hong Kong 1.5days later

Well, we arrived in one piece in Hong Kong. The flight from Manchester to Chicago was nothing - just about 2.5hrs. The flight from Chicago to Hong Kong was 15.5hrs! Ugh - that was long! Lily napped for a short45min nap after we had been on the plane for a few hours. Then she was awake and not sitting still in her seat calmly at all. It was quite hard as I really wanted to sleep after getting to bed late a few nights in a row - including only 2.5hrs of sleep on Tuesday night. But while she was not a bad kid she was not into sitting still. She kept saying I am done with this plane ride lets go home. They served Lily her vegetarian meals but did not have me down for veggie meals - it was ok because the veggie meals they served Lily were adult proportions - and also were more adult fare - so Lily ate what she could and I ate the rest. Lily did end up sleeping for 3-4hrs toward the end of the flight during the time that would have been over night in NH. Right now it is after 11pm in Hong Kong and she is still awake! Not good! She should fall asleep soon - she is just so excited. Though she does not understand why we are here when her sister is in China. She also does not understand why her sister is not here waiting for us. Well, here a few photos - I am quite tired and will write more tomorrow.


Blogger Michele said...

So glad to hear that you have arrived. We've been thinking about you a lot. I told Bailey on Wednesday morning that Lily left for China. After school she saw an airplane fly overhead and she got all excited telling me that Lily was on that plane on her way to China. Keep up the posts. Can't wait to see you with Sara!

6:36 PM  
Blogger Rosie's family said...

Sorry if I'm posting twice...technical difficulties!

We're so glad you've arrived safely in Hong Kong. Thanks so much for sharing your journey with us!

I'm going to share your site with Rosemary so she can follow Lily's journey to big-sisterhood!

Safe travels and keep the updates coming!!

Martha, Jim and Rosemary

6:50 PM  

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