Sunday, February 25, 2007

Friday morning

Our power adaptors that we brought with us don’t work in Hong Kong. It worked out ok last night as the hotel brought us an adaptor to use. So I was able to charge the computer and the DVD. The laptop was turned on in Manchester airport security and some security test was run. But then I did not realize that it had not been powered down, and so when I took it out in Chicago I found that I had 7% of the battery left. So now all is back to normal with an overnight charge here at the hotel.

Once Lily fell asleep she stayed asleep for the night without a problem. The speakers we borrowed from Parker and Nancy Jo for the walkman worked perfect. Lily liked having her own music to play at bedtime, it was just a matter of her calming down to get to sleep.

My cell phone alarm clock does not work here. So I’ll need to pick up a travel alarm clock or maybe will have the hotel do a wake up call for tomorrow. Tomorrow is a group tour with our travel group. We’ve not meet any other families yet. Though, last night on the shuttle over from the hotel we meet another family. They are also here to pick up a second daughter and are traveling with their first daughter. They are with the same adoption agency as we are but their baby is from a different orphanage and so they will be in a different travel group.

Ok, I need to hit the shower, wake up Jon and get downstairs for breakfast. And then figure out what we will do today. So far Lily seems to be adjusting well to the time change.

The internet here in the room is wireless. I paid for 3hrs of access last night and thought that I could use an hour each night, but then this morning when I went to sign on it looked like I was going to need to pay for another 3hr block. Hmm. So I will have to check into that and will not sign on this morning. I will save this note to post with tonight’s update. Thanks for the emails, I did not take the time to reply last night as I was falling asleep trying to post on the blog with an update and with photos. Take care, I will write tonight.


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