Sunday, March 04, 2007

baby bath - Sara was not happy

We had not given Sara a bath yet. Well, she's had sponge baths but not a bath bath. None of the girls have had baths in the orphanage like we know when we get them. With Lily when we got her in China, I continued sponge baths and gave her a real bath in the kitchen sink when we got home. I planned on doing that with Sara. But last night Sara was watching Lily in the bathtub and Lily wanted Sara to come in with her so I put her in. Bad choice. Sara was so scared and would not relax to sit down. She had her legs all tense and screamed. Since she was already wet and in there I suds her body and hair quickly and then took her out. But she was not happy, even if she is clean. I'll go back to my first thought of doing it in the kitchen sink when we get home.


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